The Baby Has Arrived!
Jackson Lee Boyer was born at 3:04 PM on December 28, 2007. He was born 7 pounds, 11 ounces, and 21.5 inches long. Both mom & baby are doing great! The dad couldn’t be more proud.
It was a long wait, but well worth it. When we finally met Jackson there was laughing, and there was crying. My mom did most of the crying, though. :) It was like a brand new family reunion.
Jamin and Joy should be able to bring Jackson home later on this afternoon. The hospital’s normal procedures are to keep an eye on them for a 24 hour period and then let them go.
An interesting note – being the geek that I am I did a little research on a security system the hospital uses. I saw devices on the walls in the halls and in several rooms I was in, and was curious if those were what ran the system. I looked it up, and sure enough it was.
The system utilizes RFID chips on those uncomfortable hospital bracelets. The devices on the walls all over the hospital are RFID readers that transmit data back to the main system. At any given time, the hospital security staff can track the whereabouts of the hospital staff as well as any patients they have at the time. The system will also lock the entire hospital down in the event someone tries to carry a newborn out of a certain area. I’m sure the ER and other such emergency services remain accessible, but the system apparently does its job well.
Enough about that. We’ll spend the next few days getting to know Jackson and spending time with all the family.