Won’t You Be My Neighbor?
Everybody knows who Mr. Rogers was. I’m halfway ashamed to admit that I did watch the show as a kid.
However, something in me really, really hated that song at the beginning of the show. I mean, the man was nice enough, but sometimes he was a little creepy. I honestly hated everything about the show until he drove his little trolley into ‘make believe’. That was always my favorite part of the show.
Anyway, you may be asking, "Why are you even talking about Mr. Rogers in the first place??" Well, I normally wouldn’t be. One of my coworkers today mentioned that she read somewhere that Mr. Rogers was formally a Navy Seal, and he always wore his sweaters to cover up the tattoos from his military past.
Immediately my razor-sharp instincts kicked in. There was no way on earth that this man who sang little kiddie songs and played with puppets ever killed anybody. If my memory serves, he even made an appearance on that idiotic show, Dr. Quinn. (I was made to watch that one because I have 2 sisters…)
Now, I’m no military man, but I do know that to become a Navy Seal, you have to go through some extremely tough training. And that’s probably an understatement – the same would go for any elite force in the military.
That being said, from watching Mr. Rogers as a kid it was easy to determine that he was not that kind of man. It was actually pretty hilarious to me that anyone would even make up such a rumor, but beyond that, how anyone could really believe it. A quick visit to snopes.com showed it was all false.