Gearing Up
Dad got his tractor out last Thursday evening and ran the bush hog through all the local gardens – his own, mine, Granny’s, Fred’s, and Jeff’s. Then he plowed mine up. The tractor struggled a bit, but we’ve since concluded that it is because there wasn’t enough fluid added to the tires to put that extra weight on the back on the tractor for extra traction. I wish it hadn’t rained the next day, or we would have been able to run the tiller through it as well so that it would be ready for planting. I’m probably jumping the gun a little bit – with my luck, it will freeze again before Spring/Summer is here to stay. That’s what happened last year, and I had to replant just about everything in the garden.
Becky and I have done yard work over the past couple of weekends. Mowing the yard, cleaning out flower beds and all that fun Spring stuff. It’s been hard work, and I’ve found that I’m not used to it in the least. But it is still satisfying.