Our Garden
Becky and I have worked pretty hard on our garden this year. We want to be sure we get lots of food out of it, because we plan to can a lot of it and try to make it last as long as we can through the Winter. Everything seems to be doing really well, except maybe the watermelon and peppers. The watermelon is just having a hard time coming in, but there are a few coming up. It should be enough, anyway. For the peppers, the bugs are liking them a lot this year, so I’m having to try to keep bug spray on them. Maybe they’ll make it.
I can’t remember if I said this in a previous post or not, but we’re going to be overrun by tomatoes. We have 20 plants! Last year we only had 4, and we had plenty. But Becky canned some of the tomato juice (about 12 jars) and made tomato soup from it. She wants that to last longer, so we did a lot more. I just hope we’re able to keep up with it all!
We also will have a LOT of cucumbers. She wanted to try making pickles out of them, and they’ll last forever, so we decided to do quite a few of those as well.
We didn’t do any corn, and this year is the first that we’ve done beans, broccoli and carrots. We’ll see how that all turns out.
We’re really excited about the garden this year. One concern, though, is thieves in the area. I just hope they keep their sorry backsides out of my garden. Otherwise it might get a little nasty for everybody involved.
It looks great! I hope you all like canning. It’s kind of hard and time-consuming, but it’s fun too! (like I’m an expert or something) 🙂
Becky will be doing most of the canning while I’m at work… 😉 (If all goes according to my plan, anyway..haha)