How I Track My Budget Using a Spreadsheet

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4 Responses

  1. Peggy says:

    Your dad is a big fan of budgets:) Tho we have strayed, but it really helped in our younger years:)

  2. Jonathan says:

    Thanks sharing my article! I hope it works well for you and all your readers. 🙂

  3. My honey and I have used a budget for many years (not a spreadsheet but a much more simplistic method) We started listening to and learning about financial responsibility and accountability from Larry Burkett early in our marriage. We’ve never had a lot of money (especially in the early days) but I am confident that having a budget and sticking to it has helped us make what we had stretch to make ends meet. I think it would help all young married couples to learn how to do it. Great post, Bro. Jonathan!

  4. Kristan says:

    Very cool, but very high-tech…just like you. lol
    I definitely recommend every couple have a budget. It really cuts down on the stress and arguments 🙂

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