Finally, signs of life!
It was a cold winter overall, and I’ve been ready for spring for a while now. We’re starting to see green grass, flowers blooming, bugs buzzing, birds chirping…I love it! My allergies took a hit there for a little while, but I’ve adjusted now and all is well.
I’ve been looking forward to mowing the yard again and planting and taking care of a garden again. The time has come, so I’ve been getting busy. The garden still has a way to go to be ready…rain slows that down though since it has to be dry to do much with it. I’ve also already mowed the yard once, and have sharpened the blades to be ready to go again the next chance I get.
The bright colors of spring just make me feel generally better. Winter always seems so drear, cold and bleak. I like when things come alive again, and the air is warm..I just like being outside. We had a cold winter…So get out there and enjoy spring!